Recommended for 2nd to 3rd Grade Girls

She is Confident in God

It’s easy to get on the performance-based treadmill that so many young girls carry into womanhood. Let’s lead in a different direction.

Through 8 guided one-on-one dates with your daughter you will:

  • Help her begin or deepen her relationship with Jesus 

  • Teach her how to practically use the Fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control)

  • Build the foundation of healthy relationships with you, God, herself, family, and friends 

A Confident Girl knows she doesn’t have to strive to be “good” for God, but rather can trust God to help her as he grows the fruits of the Spirit in her.

This 8-lesson course will give you the tools you need to help your daughter begin or deepen her relationship with Jesus.

Through guided one-on-one dates with your girl, you will be building a safe and trusted relationship where she knows you can listen and talk about the real issues concerning her. 

You are the right mom for the job!

You are the right mom for the job!

In each lesson you will find:

1. Mom Moment

A video created just for you, mom. I will give you a quick overview of the lesson from a clinical, biblical, and relational lens so you can be your daughter’s trusted mentor. Consider these videos your own “behind the scenes coaching.”

2. Conversation Guide

Conversations and activities designed to strengthen the core relationship between you and your daughter. Every little girl longs to be seen, known, and safe. Your daughter longs to be in relationship with you and is looking to you to lead the way. These conversations will be a guide to help you listen well, get to know who God made your daughter to be in these growing years, as well as help her understand more of who you are and your own honest walk with God.

3. Downloadable Journal

This journal is to practice and give breathing room for your daughter to learn how to talk with God throughout her faith journey. Though journaling is not everyone’s favorite, it can be like brushing your teeth, sometimes annoying, but necessary. It’s a powerful way to keep our hearts, minds, and souls clean and connected to our God. Consider sitting side by side and journaling together. Or, if she can read and write on her own, print it out and give it as a gift to your daughter as you begin these lessons together.

Start your course now!

Mom, remember that you are your daughter's primary model for womanhood, in all your humanity. These lessons are designed for you to take to heart as well. As parents, we cannot give what we have not received, and trust me, she is watching you and listening to you (even when you get some attitude). Thank you for intentionally choosing to pursue your daughter and giving her practice discerning the voice of grace in a world of mass confusion. 

God chose YOU to be her mom and he is with you every step of the way! And I am here cheering you on!